Opening Hours : Monday and Friday : 8.45 - 13.00 : 14.00 – 17.00
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday : 9.00 – 13.00 : 14.00 – 17.00

Contact : 01653 692771

Quality Assurance


Gdc Standards

There are nine principles registered dental professionals must keep to at all times. As a GDC registrant we must:

1. Put patients' interests first
2. Communicate effectively with patients
3. Obtain valid consent
4. Maintain and protect patients' information
5. Have a clear and effective complaints procedure
6. Work with colleagues in a way that is in patients' best interests
7. Maintain, develop and work within your professional knowledge and skills
8. Raise concerns if patients are at risk
9. Make sure your personal behaviour maintains patients' confidence in you and the dental profession


The Department of Health require us to meet standards from the Information Governance directives. Our team will complete annual training on confidentiality and data protection. An annual audit is submitted to the DOH to ensure we are compliant.

Cross Infection

We are governed by the Health Technical Memorandum 01-05, which gives in depth instructions on cross infection and decontamination. Our team carry out Continual Personal Development (CPD) to show we fully trained on this subject.

Respecting our patients

The CQC carry out inspections to ensure that our dental team work to their requirements in this area. We are trained on safeguarding children and adults and complete learning for knowledge on the mental capacity act (2005) and depravation of liberties safeguards.

Radiation Protection

All our xray equipment is tested for safety as laid out in the local rules in conjunction with Ironising Radiation (Medical Exposure) 2000 and IRMER and Ironising Radiations Regulations (IRR 1999). Staff are fully trained to operate the equipment.