Opening Hours : Monday - Friday : 8.45 - 13.00 : 14.00 – 17.00

Contact : 01653 692771

Frequently Asked Questions and further information

If you have any questions you should find the answers belwo. If you can't find what you are looking for please call us on 01653 692771 or use the contact form here

How can I register with the surgery

Call us on 01653 692771 and we will be able to discuss the different dental plans we can offer you.

What happens at my first appointment

A full medical history will be taken, we will ask you to complete a questionnaire showing any medical conditions, and medication that you may take. You can bring in your prescription form, if this is easier for you. We will ask you to give your address and contact details on the same questionnaire.

The dentist will examine your mouth and teeth to check your overall oral health.

At your consultation appointment with the dentist, your oral health needs will be assessed. The dentist may take xrays and will record all existing restorations in your mouth. In addition, a chart of your gum health will be documented. He/she will then discuss with you if any treatment is needed to ensure that you are dentally fit.

If any further appointments are needed, you will be provided with a full treatment plan, detailing what treatment is needed and the cost. You can discuss which treatment meets your oral health needs with your dentist and decide which options you would like to take.

How much will it cost

Your initial consultation appointment will normally cost £65 (including 2 xrays). Special offers may apply – See our Plans and Prices tab.

What is your payment policy

Payment can be taken by debit/credit card or cash at reception. We ask that you payment is paid in full at the commencement of your treatment. You will be given a receipt for all payments made to the practice.

How do I receive appointment reminders

The computerised dental software enables us to send your appointment reminder automatically, at what recall interval is set by your dentist. This will be sent by either email or text message, depending on what details you have given us. Please make sure you update us with any changes in telephone/mobile numbers or email addresses, so we can amend your details and ensure you receive your reminder. We recommend that you also make a personal note in your diary, to avoid you missing any recall examinations.

What is your complaints policy

We always try to resolve any disputes that may occur within our practice, in person. Our complaints policy is displayed on the reception notice board should you need to complain. You can either speak confidentially in person to the Practice Principal or send a letter.

We hope that any misunderstanding or dispute can be resolved swiftly. We have a Practice Complaints Policy, which can viewed on request.

What are the options for improving my smile

Not everyone is a candidate for whitening. Bleaching is not recommended if you have tooth-coloured fillings, crowns, caps or bonding in your front teeth - the bleach will not change the colour of these materials, making them stand out in your newly whitened smile. In these cases, you may want to investigate other options, like veneers or bonding.

    Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain or plastic glued to the front of your teeth. For teeth that are severely discoloured, chipped or misshapen, veneers create a durable and pleasing smile.

There are two types of veneers:

    Porcelain (indirect) veneers, which must first be created to fit your teeth in a dental laboratory and require two visits to the dentist.

    Composite (direct) veneers, which are bonded to your tooth enamel in a single visit.

Bonding uses composite resin to restore chipped or broken teeth, fill in gaps and reshape or recolour your smile. After applying a very mild etching solution that slightly roughs the surface of your teeth and permits the bonding material to adhere, your dentist applies the resin and sculpts, colours and shapes it to provide a pleasing result. A high-intensity light hardens the material, which is then finely polished. Your dentist can tell you if you are a good candidate for veneers or bonding

What is bad breath

Halitosis simply means bad breath, a problem that many people experience at one time or another. It is estimated that 40% of the population suffers from chronic halitosis at some time.

Many things can cause bad breath, including:
  Poor oral hygiene (not brushing and flossing properly)
  Gum disease
  Eating certain foods like onions or garlic
  Tobacco and alcohol products
  Dry mouth (caused by certain medications, medical disorders and by decreased saliva flow during sleep - hence the term "morning breath")
  Systemic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, liver and kidney disorders

How do I know if I have halitosis

One way to test if you have bad breath is to cover your mouth and nose with your hand, exhale, and smell your breath. Another way is to ask someone you trust whether or not your breath smells bad. Keep in mind that many people experience "morning breath," which is the result of reduced saliva flow during sleep that allows acids and other debris to putrefy in the mouth. Brushing and flossing thoroughly before bed, and brushing your teeth and tongue first thing in the morning, will usually eliminate morning breath.

How can I help prevent halitosis

In addition to avoiding foods that cause bad breath, you can reduce the chances of bad breath by:

  Brushing thoroughly twice a day and flossing daily to remove plaque and food particles.
  Brushing your tongue will also help reduce bad breath
  Removing dentures each night and cleaning them well before replacing them each morning
  Visiting your dentist regularly for dental checkups and cleanings

If you have persistent bad breath that is not improved with brushing and flossing, see your dentist for a thorough dental examination as this could indicate a more serious problem. Only a dentist can tell if you have gum disease, dry mouth or excess plaque build-up as a possible cause of bad breath.

What is bruxism

If you find yourself waking up with sore jaw muscles or a headache, you may be suffering from bruxism - the grinding and clenching of teeth. Bruxism can cause teeth to become painful or loose, and sometimes parts of the teeth are literally ground away. Eventually, bruxism can destroy the surrounding bone and gum tissue. It can also lead to problems involving the jaw joint, such as temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ).

How do I know if I have bruxism

For many people, bruxism is an unconscious habit. They may not even realize they're doing it until someone comments that they make a horrible grinding sound while sleeping. For others, a routine dental check-up is when they discover their teeth are worn or their tooth enamel is fractured.

Other potential signs of bruxism include aching in the face, head and neck. Your dentist can make an accurate diagnosis and determine if the source of facial pain is a result from bruxism.

How is bruxism treated

The appropriate treatment for you will depend on what is causing the problem. By asking careful questions and thoroughly examining your teeth, your dentist can help you determine the potential source of your bruxism.

Based on the amount of tooth damage and its likely cause, your dentist may suggest:
Wearing an appliance while sleeping. Custom-made by your dentist to fit your teeth, the appliance slips over the upper teeth and protects them from grinding against the lower teeth. While an appliance is a good way to manage bruxism, it is not a cure.

Finding ways to relax. Because everyday stress seems to be a major cause of bruxism, anything that reduces stress can help-listening to music, reading a book, taking a walk or a bath. It may help to seek counselling to learn effective ways for handling stressful situations. Also, applying a warm, wet washcloth to the side of your face can help relax muscles sore from clenching.

Reducing the "high spots" of one or more teeth to even your bite. An abnormal bite, one in which teeth do not fit well together, may also be corrected with new fillings, crowns or orthodontics.